location Rishikesh, India

What is Ayurveda, Why Lord Dhanvantari is called the 'Father of Ayurveda'?

  • Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal practice that has been used to cure and heal human beings yet known as 5th Veda of Indian Vedic history. Its capacity to heal is so tremendous that it will not only heal physical human body but also the human mind and soul too. Ayurveda is the gift by Lord Dhanvantari to human kind, who is considered as Devta/Deity of medicine. Lord Dhanvantri, the god of Ayurveda is considered the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who came from the ocean while the process of Samudra Manthan (Churning of Ocean).

Let’s learn about Ayurveda and Its Creator Lord Dhanvantri, The Father of Ayurveda!

‘Ayurveda’ is known as the ‘ancient Indian science of healing’ with the help of naturally oriented medicines and herbs. However, this definition is not just an end, but it describes only a small portion of the word "Ayurveda". An Upveda or Sub-Veda of Atharva Veda, it is also known as the 5th Veda of ancient Vedic history that constitutes the treatment and healing of the human mind, body, and soul with various known methods. Unlike modern-day medicine therapy, ‘the science of Ayurveda’ is very effective in treating various deadly diseases without any side effects.

While talking about Ayurveda, we can't even dare to miss lord "Dhanvantri". Dhanvantri is the god of Ayurvedic therapies or you can say the first Ayurvedic doctor in the world. As we had talked about earlier, Ayurvedic physical practices is not limited to treatment, but it also connects our mind and soul or one can say build a spiritual interaction with healing therapies. Lord Dhanvantri or the god of Ayurveda was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who came from the ocean while the process of Samudra Manthan (Churning of Ocean with big rock called Mandarawhere Vasuki the snake used as rope) by Devas & Asuras (Gods & Devil respectively). Apart from many precious things, in the end, Lord Dhanvantri comes out of the ocean. He was known as the ultimate healer that eradicated disease and fear from the human body and mind.

Ayurveda is an amalgam of spiritual and meditative therapies that help in curing disease and the attainment of a state of complete relaxation with mindfulness activities. The whole process helps in integrating the mind, body, and soul. According to Caraka Saṃhita Sūtra 30।26, the science of Ayurveda helps in the overall development of the human body and regaining the lost consciousness.

The science of Ayurveda is governed by three principles: -


The 3 Principles of Ayurveda

Panch Mahabhoota Siddhantha


Every beings are made up of Dravya which includes 5 basic elements of Mahabootas so human beings are too. The five Mahabhoota from which a human body is made up are:

  • Prithvi The earth, the soil that your body is made off and eventually dissolve into it too.
  • Agni The Fire within you that help you digest whatever you eat in order to stay alive & healthy!
  • Jal The water within you in the form of water, blood, different liquid too.
  • Akash The space within your body, like in lungs that filled up with air and stomach that filled with food.
  • Vayu The air within your body that you breathe in, that your lungs keep inhaling and exhaling and many other forms.

Here we need to understand that we are another Earth or we are having a part of our planet within us. It has Water, Fire, Air, Soil & Space aks ether. If anything is less or excessive within the body, it will produce problems that could be physical, mental or emotional too.

Tridosha Siddhantha


Tridosha simply means three Dosha or defects that generates inside our body by combination of 5 Mahabhoota. However, this helps in maintaining the body's physiology, but when they are in unstable state they are responsible for disease. The three doshas in our body are:

  • Vatta The combination of 2 elements, Air & space (Ether) that represent light, cold, dry and moving.
  • Pitta The combination of 2 elements, Fire & Water that represent passion, flexible, hot and smooth.
  • Kapha The combination of 2 elements, Earth & Water that represents stable, heavy, calm & gentle.

In any case, we will always have the tridoshas within our body but one will be dominating and others are less or less dominating. The idea of Ayurveda is to balance the doshas and Ayurvedic practices treatments help you do that. Ayurveda is mostly based on food and choosing your food mindfully can always balance your Ayurvedic doshas. Balanced Ayurvedic doshas mean healthy body, healthy mind, and healthy soul.

Samanya Vishesha Siddhantha


According to Caraka saṃhitā sūtra 1।45, Samanya works on the principle of increasing Dravya or substance in your body while the Vishesha works on decreasing the quantity of Dravya. This helps decrease the number of harmful substances or substance-causing diseases while increasing the portion of disease-curing substances inside our body.

Our ancient Ayurvedic Science not only cures diseases but also imparts a sense of confidence inside our body that helps in improving the psychological aspect of the human being. The aim of Ayurvedic Courses and Ayurvedic treatments is to balance of the Doshas from the body through the Food initially and then therapy & spiritual path. The alignment of essential components of the human body, increasing harmony, and providing stability to mind and soul keeps Ayurvedic Treatment & Therapy apart from various other therapeutic techniques.