location Rishikesh, India

Panchakarma Treatment, An Ayurvedic Procedure Detoxify Human Body!

  • Though Panchakarma treatment, one need to go through 5 different treatments in order to release toxins from the body on different level! It included Vaman, Virechana, Basti, Nasya & Rakt-mokshana. Panchkarma also helps in balancing the tri-doshas in the human body, i.e. Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. It helps your body to absorb more vital energy from Air, water & food and produces good amount of oxygen in your mind that results consciousness and transform into your well-being. Sushumana has been committed to offer authentic Ayurvedic therapy at its center in Tapovan, Rishikesh, India.
Looking For Panchakarma Treatment Therapy in Rishikesh?

Experience Best Panchakarma Treatment in Rishikesh, India

Best Panchakarma Treatments in Rishikesh India

Increasing responsibilities force us to get exposed to unwanted and toxic substances to deal with. On getting burdened with these toxic substances, the body shows a detrimental impact on health. If we look from an Ayurvedic perspective, these toxins clog up energy channels eventually leading to the blockage of energy through the body. Panchakarma Treatment is believed to be greatly effective in this. The treatment frees the body from unwanted toxins and residues that have been affected over time.

"Pancha" means 'Five" and "Karma" means "Actions"; thus Panchakarma means "Five Actions". It is the procedures of five detox treatments that ensure the elimination of toxins and pathogens from the body. It further restores the body's natural process, balancing the doshas. Panchakarma Treatment includes oil massage, therapeutic steam bath, and nutritious meals.

Sushumana offers the best Panchakarma Treatment in Rishikesh under the pilotage of experienced therapists and doctors. The treatment is not only beneficial for physical ailments but is also proven to be the best for mental issues. With five types of detox therapies and treatments, we, at Sushumana work to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit. From the herbal oil treatment to the detox diet, everything is covered under our treatment. We work with the aim to help you in restoring your health and wellness.

Moreover, we offer Ayurvedic doctor's consultation before you go with any Ayurvedic treatment as we offer not just Panchakarma but also Ayurvedic treatment for chronic diseases too. There are several Ayurveda courses that we offer and one can start with Ayurveda basic course and later can join 200-hour advance course or 300-hour advance ayurveda course. Our popular curses are Panchakarma Treatment Course, Shirodhara treatment course, Ayurvedic massage course, Ayurveda Marma Therapy and Ayurveda Nutrition course. Eventually, if you are looking for quick ayurveda rejuvenation in the Yoga Capital, you are welcome to join our Ayurveda retreats in Rishikesh, India. We have different Ayurveda retreat option based on duration. We have 7 Days, 10 Days, 14 Days, and 21 Days retreat program too.

best panchakarma treatment in rishikesh

Why choose sushumana Ayurveda for panchakarma treatments.

With the best Ayurvedic Treatment in Rishikesh, Sushumana Ayurveda is standing high among famous Ayurveda Ashrams. Panchakarma Treatments or the Five-step detox process at our Ayurveda ashram are performed by well-qualified and experienced therapists, practitioners, and doctors in the field of Ayurveda.

  • We have professional and experienced therapists.
  • We use medicated oils with real herbs.
  • We do not change the root knowledge of Panchakarma.
  • We follow the Ayurvedic Diet along with treatment.
  • We detoxify the entire body.
  • We offer highly effective treatment.
panchkarma benefits

Benefits of the Panchakarma Treatment

  • Elimination of Toxins
  • Rejuvenation of the Soul
  • Relaxation of the Mind
  • Boosting of Immunity
  • Improving Digestion
  • Enhancing the Metabolism
  • Detoxification of the Body
  • Correction of Sleep Cycle
  • Clearing of Blocked Channels
  • Supporting a Healthy Wellbeing
Panchakarma Treatments

Types of Panchakarma Treatments

Sushumana offers the best Panchakarma Treatment in Rishikesh. The five-step detox therapy is highly effective in the cleansing and detoxification process. It removes toxins from the body helping you to fight diseases and illnesses.

Vamana is also referred to as Emesis Therapy. In this Panchakarma Treatment, therapeutic vomiting is done by giving you a detox drink or ghee, on an empty stomach. With this, toxins or intestinal worms are removed from the body cleaning the stomach, lungs and intestines.


Also known as Therapeutic Purging, the ayurvedic treatment is beneficial for patients suffering from the disease of constipation. In this, special kind of meals is given to you which loosens the stools helping it smooth discharge. It balances the Pitta Dosha removing the toxins from the small intestines, near the colon or rectum.


Basti is the Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment for the purification of the colon area. It is beneficial in Vata imbalances. The massage of medicated substances like herbal decoction, milk, oil or ghee is given to the individual on their back, abdomen, neck, hand, feet, and cheeks.


Nasya Panchakarma Treatment is highly beneficial for those who are suffering from chronic sinus problems or the blockage of the nose. In the process, pungent oils with herbs are put into your nasal which are then rubbed against the nostrils in a gentle way. It treats breathing irregularities and Asthma.


The Ayurvedic detoxification process done for blood cleaning is Rakhtamokshana. The leeches are placed on the skin and suck the impure blood from the body, eventually helping in the treatment of skin diseases like Eczema and Pigmentation. It is the most aggressive treatment and is done only on special demand.

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I was looking for a course that fits all my demands. I do not want to indulge in a complete learning course but also need instant benefits from it. Thanks to Sushumana for the best Ayurveda Teacher Training in the town. I am extremely happy and satisfied with the course.

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Aruna Malis


After going through various treatments and medicines, I was still unsatisfied with the recovery of my migraine issue. When I learn about Ayurveda, I found it pretty helpful and gave it a try at the Sushumana centre. I can not express how much it helped me. It relieves my headache problem to the core.

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Pritula Juli


Hey! Thank You Sushumana for your high rated Ayurveda in Rishikesh. Special Thanks to the dedicated team of experienced therapists who make the treatment program, the best one with their polite behaviour and quick response to all the queries and doubts.