Rishikesh, India

Register for Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course in Rishikesh, India

  • Sushumana, an Ayurveda center in Tapovan, Rishikesh leads a residential 5 Days Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course for practitioners. Marma Therapy revolves around pressing and massaging the Marma Points of vital Energy Points in the Human Body. Stimulating these points results in releasing hormones that help in flowing energy though the body and eventually vital health. Necessary facilities and amenities will be provided considering the intense session of this ancient healing technique of Marma Massage and Therapy.
Ayurveda Course - Marma Therapy

Join Our Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course in India

Join 5 Days Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course at Sushumana in Rishikesh

The ancient history of India brings lots of beneficial techniques and methods for you. Ayurveda is one such practice. There are many types of Ayurveda practice which was developed with the aim to offer the utmost benefits to mankind. Marma Therapy is among those Ayurveda practices.

The human body has Marma Point located in particular anatomical locations. Through these points, the energy of the five main elements, i.e. earth (pritvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), wind (vayu) and space (akasha) flows in the correct proportion. Ayurveda Marma Chikitsa stimulates the Marma points with gentle massage and pressure.

Marma Therapy proposed by Ayurveda is the best that can be done to heal you completely from inside out. It releases still energy and stimulates hormones and chemicals, helping you to meet the needs of the body. A trained therapist or doctor performed Ayurveda Marma Therapy with massage oil, infused herbal oil, and pain relief oils.

Sushumana conducts 5 Days Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course to help you in tackling the diseases or ailments you are facing for a long. Moreover, it is also the most beneficial therapy in relieving the pain and giving you ultimate relief.

marma therapy course in india

Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course in Sushumana Ayurveda

With the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda Marma Therapy,
learn to live the ancient art of healing with various energy points (Marma Points).

Sushumana, an Ayurveda Ashram in Rishikesh conducts a residential 5 Days Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course for practitioners all over the world.

We are a leading institute of Ayurveda providing professional Marma Therapy Course in India under the guidance and teachings of expert gurus and teachers for Indians and foreigners both. At Sushumana, students will be given all the necessary facilities and amenities required for practicing an effective and ancient healing technique of Marma Massage and Therapy. 

Marma Therapy is all about pressing and massaging the Marma Points of vital Energy Points in the Human Body. Pressurizing these points generates happy hormones in the body which eventually brings a positive attitude and vital health. It awakens the consciousness in the body and mind. The hectic lifestyle brings lots of benefits to the Human Body. To relieve this, Shodhana or Revitalization is performed efficiently. 

With Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course, you will learn to perform Marma Therapy in a professional way and use it as preventive medicine. You will then isolate Marma points by increasing the blood flow to the affected part. 

Ayurveda Marma Therapy Course in India at Sushumana, Rishikesh is meant to train an individual about the important points of the human body and also the techniques and practice of Marma Massage. It further explains to heal health issues, back problems and neurological ailments.

Offering you a platform to study and teach with creatively designed 5 Days Ayurveda marma Therapy Course in Rishikesh, Sushumana is one of the well-known ashrams in the city. The marma therapy session will last for some hours followed by detoxification, yoga, meditation, and theoretical concepts. The curriculum and the schedule are designed in a quite balanced way that will give you a comprehensive way of learning. It covers theoretical and practical aspects in the best integration co-relating it with other classes.

Besides gaining knowledge and practice of Marma Massage, the course also tells you the basic concepts and principles of Ayurveda as Marma Therapy itself is derived from Ayurvedic Healing Concepy. The experienced teachers and gurus will introduce the vital points of the human body while giving you the necessary information about massage oils and their preparation methods. 

Perform basic Marma Therapy under the guidance of experienced therapists.

marmat herapy benefits

Benefits of the Ayurvedic Marma Therapy Course

  • It is beneficial in various physical ailments.
  • It opens the blockage in energy channels.
  • It revitalizes the body's tissues.
  • It improvises the vital function of the body.
  • It steadies blood circulation and respiration.
  • It reduces muscular pain.
  • It improves the digestion of the body.
  • It induces positivity in the mind.
  • It is the finest career option on the spiritual level.
  • It treats neurological or neurosurgical ailments.

Why Sushumana Ayurveda?

While there are many ashrams offering Ayurveda courses in Rishikesh, India; we suggest you go with Sushumana Ayurveda. There are many reasons to join the course but you can know more after experiencing it. Some of the reasons to opt for Sushumana Ayurveda include

  • Location: Besides the Ganges, the ashram is located in a quiet and serene place.
  • Approach: We follow the ancient and holistic approach to Ayurveda.
  • Teachers: The teachers are well-experienced with strong knowledge of Ayurveda.
  • Course: The course can be joined by a starting practitioner making it a perfect choice for Ayurveda Course for Beginners.
  • Himalayan Jungle: The Ayurveda Hall provides the perfect view of the lush jungle area.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum includes theory and practicals for better understanding.
  • Experience: The schools hold years of experience in the same field.
  • Food: The food is prepared by keeping in mind the need for an Ayurveda program.
  • Stay: The stay is comfortable with all the necessary amenities and facilities.

Daily Routine

Session Time

7:00 to 7:30 AM


Ayurveda Detox

7:30 to 8:30 AM



8:00 to 9:00 AM


Hatha Yoga

9:00 to 10:00 AM



11:00 to 12:00 PM


Anatomy & Physiology Class

 1:00 PM to 2:0PM



3:00 to 4:00 PM


Ayurveda Class
(Theory & Practical Sessions)

5:30 PM 6:00 PM


Snacks time

6:00 to 7:00 PM


Mantra chanting & Meditation

7:30 to 8:30 PM



10:00 PM


Lights Off

What is Included?

  • Meditation, Shatkarma, and Kirtan Program
  • Comfy Accommodation and Nutritious Meals
  • Fire Ceremony at the beginning & end of the program
  • Yoga Books, Manuals, and other Stationery
  • Sightseeing and Excursions to nearby attractions

What is Not Included

  • Private Stay or Accommodation
  • Fare to Delhi or Haridwar
  • Air-conditioning
  • Visa Fee

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
    • Definition
    • Unique features
    • Concept of health
    • Aim
  • History of Ayurveda

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  • Branches of Ayurveda

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  • History & Philosophy of Ayurveda

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  • Basic principles of Ayurveda
    • Pancha Mahabhuta Concept
    • Tridosha Concept( vata, pitta. Kapha)
    • The concept of Sapta Dhatu (Body Elements)
    • The concept of Mala (Waste Products)
    • The concept of Srotas (Body Channels)
    • The concept of Agni (Digestive Fire)
    • The concept of Koshta (Alimentary Tract)
    • The concept of Prakruti (Body Constitution)
    • Concept of Vikurti
    • The concept of ama (metabolic toxins)
  • Preventive medicine & Health preservation in Ayurveda

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  • Commonly used oil & Herbs

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  • Marma therapy

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  • Yoga Asana (Postures)
    • About Yoga
    • Origin of Yoga
    • History of Yoga
    • Yoga Benefits
    • Indian Traditional Yoga
    • Guidelines of Yoga Class
    • Asana Adjustment & Alignment
    • Difference between Yoga & Gym

    Meditative Postures

    • Sukhasana
    • Vajrasana
    • Swastikasana
    • Sidhasana
    • Muktasana
    • Ardha Padmasana
    • Padmasana
    • Virasana

    Standing Postures

    • Pranamasana
    • Urdhva Vrksasana
    • Utkatasana
    • Padangusthasana
    • Surya Namaskara A & B
    • Trikonasana & Variation
    • Parshvakonasana & Variation
    • Veerbhadrasana I, II & III

    Balancing Postures

    • Vrikshasana
    • Ardha Chandrasana
    • Vasisthasana
    • Garudasana
    • Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
    • Kakasana
    • Natarajasana
    • Kukkutasana

    Inversion Postures

    • Adho Mukha Shavasana
    • Adho Mukha Vrksasana
    • Sirsasana & Variation
    • Sarvangasana
    • Halasana
    • Karna-Pidasana
    • Pindasana
    • Urdhva Padmasana

    Twisting Postures

    • Merubakrasana
    • Pasasana
    • Ardhamatsyendrasana
    • Parivrtta Trikonasana
    • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
    • Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
    • Marichyasana A, B, C & D
    • Eka Pada Koundinyanasana - I

    Back-Bend Postures

    • Bhujangasana
    • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
    • Marjariasana
    • Ushtrasana
    • Ardha Dhanurasana
    • Chakrasana & Variation
    • Matsyasana
    • Eka Padarajakapotasana

    Forward-Bend Postures

    • Adho Mukha Svanasana
    • Paschimotanasana ( A, B, C & D)
    • Janu Shirasana ( A, B, & C)
    • Padangushtana
    • Prasarita Padottanasana
    • Parsvottanasana
    • Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
    • Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana

    Restorative Postures:

    • Balasana
    • Sashankasana
    • Makarasana
    • Shavasana
    • Viparita Karani
    • Supta Matsyendrasana
    • Supta Badha Konasana
    • Purvottanasana
  • Shatkarma (Yogic Cleansing)
    • About Shatkarma
    • Benefits of Shatkarma
    • Jal Neti
    • Sutra Neti
    • Kunjal Kriya (Vaman)
    • Nauli (Abdominal Breathing)
    • Trataka
    • Kapalbhati
  • Pranayama (Breathing Controls)
    • What is Pranayama?
    • Benefits of Pranayama
    • Anulom-Vilom
    • Nadi Shodhana
    • Bhastrika
    • Surya Bhedana
    • Sheetali and Sheetkari
    • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Meditation Philosophy (Darshana)
    • Bhagavad Gita Philosophy
    • Kundalini
    • Chakras
    • Darshana
  • Teaching Methodology (Adhyapan)
    • Techniques of Teaching
    • Basic Class Plans
    • Student and Teacher Guidelines
    • Marketing
  • Yoga Mudras
    • Gyan Mudra
    • Vishnu Mudra
    • Varun Mudra
    • Vayu Mudra
    • Prana Mudra
    • Surya Mudra
    • Bhairav Mudra
    • Yoni Mudra
  • Bandhas
    • Jalandhar Bandha
    • Uddiyan Bandha
    • Mool Bandha
    • Maha Bandha
  • The concept of Ayurveda nutrition

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  • Basic introduction of authentic Panchakarma

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Course Review

Testimonials Images



I was looking for a course that fits all my demands. I do not want to indulge in a complete learning course but also need instant benefits from it. Thanks to Sushumana for the best Ayurveda Teacher Training in the town. I am extremely happy and satisfied with the course.

Testimonials Images

Aruna Malis


After going through various treatments and medicines, I was still unsatisfied with the recovery of my migraine issue. When I learn about Ayurveda, I found it pretty helpful and gave it a try at the Sushumana centre. I can not express how much it helped me. It relieves my headache problem to the core.

Testimonials Images

Pritula Juli


Hey! Thank You Sushumana for your high rated Ayurveda in Rishikesh. Special Thanks to the dedicated team of experienced therapists who make the treatment program, the best one with their polite behaviour and quick response to all the queries and doubts.

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