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Book Your Ayurveda Vamana Treatment Therapy in Rishikesh, India

Vamana Therapy aka Therapeutic vomiting treatment helps to eliminate all the toxins and Kapha contains forcefully from the passage of your mouth. This Therapy also helps in reducing obesity plus you get a healthy respiratory tract & digestive system. It is one of the five therapies used in Panchakarma treatment. The whole Vamana Therapy can take 45 minutes to 2 hours. It helps balancing Kapha dosha plus produces joyfulness within.

Vamana or Therapeutic Vomiting Helps in Releasing Toxins from Human Body

Get rid of toxins from your body effectively

What is Vamana?

Known as Emesis Therapy, Vamana is integral part of Panchakarma treatment though this procedure, toxins can be eliminated from the human body. A person, who would like to go for the Vamana therapy would be given ghee or detox drink empty stomach followed by vomiting. Sometimes, by putting fingers into throat, it helps vomit easily. This process helps in removing all the toxins from intestine along with worms. If you wants to heal your body then the ayurvedic treatment of vamana is the best practice that can help you well. Here with this procedure you can remove the toxins and waste products of your body through the upper organs like mouth while eliminating toxin from digestive system. You might also see that when kapha and pitta dosha gets imbalanced, toxins takes over in your body chest affecting your duodenum and stomach. In such conditions you can undertake the procedure of vamana. After you get this kind of ayurvedic treatment then your digestion power gets improved. The rate of metabolism also gets improved in your body. Your body organs, mind, intelligence will become much active in the long way. Your body will also gain more strength and immunity against diseases and health disorders. In all your general health will get regained in the long way.

Vamana an essential Shatkarma

We have experienced that with the help of ayurvedic procedures like vamana you can get rid of obesity too. Obesity is the consequence of too much calories accumulation in your body and this procedure helps burn those calories too. Before taking this procedure the patient is suggested to take advice from the Ayurvedic Doctor and only if he suggest, take kapha containing foods like sweets, basmati rice and yogurt one night before it.

It will be easy way for you and the therapist to eliminate all the toxins and kapha contains forcefully from the passage of your mouth. Vamana procedure has been recognized to be a very essential Shat Karma. Such practice helps in getting healthy ears and eyes. Moreover, With this treatment you will also get a healthy respiratory tract & digestive system for sure, making your mental state joyful & stress free.

What are the Benefits of Vamana Therapy?

  • Ancient technique to treat food poisoning
  • Reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Digestion gets improved along with metabolism
  • Helps in providing immunity against diseases
  • It relieves you from congestion in the chest & stomach
  • Helpful in Treating asthma and chronic skin disease like psoriasis
  • Helps in burning calories & reducing obesity
  • Helps in balancing kapha dosha in the body
  • Increasement in your appetite and easy respiration
  • Stress buster therapy and produces joy & calmness
  • Treating Sinuses & blockage of mucus in the nostrils
Duration: 30 Minutes to 2 Hour

(As Per Ayurvedic Doctor's advice)

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Note: This treatment comes under Panchakarma Therapy. In any case if you are already enrolled for Panchakarma treatment in Rishikesh with Sushumna, you do not have to book for Vamana therapy separately.