location Rishikesh, India

Book Janu Basti Knee Joint Treatment Therapy in Rishikesh, India

  • Schedule Janu Basti or Ayurvedic knee joint treatment therapy in Rishikesh, India offered by Sushumana. This treatment is specifically designed to treat knee related issues while providing treatment over the counter. Janu Basti is exercised with medicated oil, while pouring warm oil on the knees within the compartment made of wheat floor. Such warmness of oil helps in healing the knee area effectively. People suffering from osteoarthritis, degeneration of knee joints due to ageing, chronic knee pain should go for Janu Basti Treatment.
Knee Joint Therapy

Janu Basti; Get the Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Knee Joint Problems

Janu basti treatment is considered the best cure to treat pain and stiffness in knee joints. It is a Sanskrit term consists of two different words - Janu means ‘knee joint’ and Basti means to ‘hold’ something. In this ayurvedic treatment, knee joints are given a very effective massage with medicated oil to heal them from problems like pain and stiffness, inflammation etc.

Why to prefer Janu Basti Knee Joint Therapy?

Janu Basti is a proven ayurvedic treatment for Knee joint related problems of human knees such as stiffness, joint pain etc. People suffering from osteoarthritis, degeneration of knee joints due to ageing, chronic knee pain should opt for this natural treatment once for better results. There are many therapies in Ayurveda that heals human body and for knee joints, Janu Basti is the best treatment.


How Janu Basti Knee Treatment is processed?

The ayurvedic treatment of Janu Basti includes herbal oils like Ksheerabala Tailam and Mahanarayana which are made from medicated herbs bearing powerful healing properties. The procedure is excercised by making a compartment of black gram flour dough around the affected area (which needs to be treated) over the knees. Then, warm herbal or medicated oils are poured in the compartment. The compartment is ensured to be sealed well on the skin to avoid the herbal oil from oozing. Then ayurvedic massage with stroke (over the counter) for stiff joints to heal quickly and effectively.

What are the Benefits Janu Basti Knee Treatment?

This effective and painless treatment takes at least 40 days for desired treatment when carried out under the supervision of professionally expert ayurvedic doctor. The benefits of Janu Basti are as follows –

  • Treatment of knee injuries
  • Helps in Balancing Vata Doshas
  • Rejuvenation of lubrication of joints
  • Strengthens and reinforces joints
  • Protect knees from effects of ageing
  • Increases the blood circulation in the Knee Join area
  • Abhyanga massage post Janu Basti is beneficial
  • Increases mobility & strengthen knee

800 INR per person

Duration: 30 Minutes (As Per Ayurvedic Doctor’s advice)

Janu Basti Knee Joint Treatment, when carried out by an expert physician of ayurveda can do wonders to help in healing the joints and providing mobility, increasing blood circulation in the knee region yet strengthening it. It helps in producing confident too against the age-related issues. If your weight is balanced there are less chances you struggling with Knee joint pain.